Por pedroveiga em

In G.O.D | Generative Ominous Dataset, I portrayed a data-driven god, fed by the worst the anthropocene can offer, while delivering radiant states of rapture. It was my take on Generative AI and the (lack of) ethics behind most popular apps and publicly available text-to-image systems, powered by datasets that disregard copyright while intoxicating newcomers with hordes of (mostly) short-lived and meaningless images.

Little did I know that a few months later I was going to be compelled to create a derivative, G.O.D.L.E.S.S., under the same fundamental principles (i.e. mimicking those Generative AI systems), but with a different ominous dataset.

G.O.D.L.E.S.S. | G༙྇A༙྇Z༙྇A༙྇ Ominous Dataset: Lawless Evil Systematic Slaughter, is driven by a dataset of images collected from the Internet on the topic of the ongoing P༙྇a༙྇l༙྇e༙྇s༙྇t༙྇i༙྇n༙྇i༙྇n༙྇a༙྇n༙྇ genocide. Death, destruction, protests, all are represented, but unlike G.O.D., G.O.D.L.E.S.S. feels no shame in more blatantly displaying those (stolen) images.

Its blind eye scatters them in bursts, as explosions, sniper fire or rockets, spreading evil under the radiant cloak of self-righteousness: the beautiful reds, oranges and yellows of the deadly explosions, the soothing greys of rubble and destruction, the pastels of the livid faces of the wounded and the dead. 

G.O.D.L.E.S.S. | G༙྇A༙྇Z༙྇A༙྇ Ominous Dataset: Lawless Evil Systematic Slaughter, is silent, as was G.O.D. The author hopes its contemplation may bring about consciousness, regret, repentance and the will to build a better world.