Spiritus continet infinitum

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The spirit holds the infinite.

O espírito contém o infinito.

No centro da esfera de vidro está a palavra “vida” em caligrafia artística árabe:


Ilustração anatómica original de Joseph Maclise, do seu livro “Surgical Anatomy”, de 1859, relativa à axila da mulher e localização de vários órgãos, no original:


A. Axillary vein, drawn apart from the artery, to show the nerves lying between both vessels. On the bicipital border of the vein is seen the internal cutaneous nerve; on the tricipital border is the nerve of Wrisberg, communicating with some of the intercosto-humeral nerves; a, the common trunk of the venae comites, entering the axillary vein.
B. Axillary artery, crossed by one root of the median nerve; b, basilic vein, forming, with a, the axillary vein, A.
C. Coraco-brachialis muscle.
D. Coracoid head of the biceps muscle.
E. Pectoralis major muscle.
F. Pectoralis minor muscle.
G. Serratus magnus muscle, covered by g, the axillary fascia, and perforated, at regular intervals, by the nervous branches called intercosto-humeral.
H. Conglobate gland, crossed by the nerve called “external respiratory” of Bell, distributed to the serratus magnus muscle. This nerve descends from the cervical plexus.
I. Subscapular artery.
K. Tendon of latissimus dorsi muscle.
L. Teres major muscle.

Da esfera de vidro “cai uma chuva” runas vikings, contendo parte do poema mitológico Hávamál, do Elder Edda, que consiste em 164 estrofes. Grande parte dessas estrofes contém lições de vida, apresentadas por Odin, mas outras contêm ainda misticismo religioso e conhecimento de runas. O poema remonta à época Viking (c.793 – 1066 AD) e as virtudes apresentadas são a temperança e a sobriedade. Algumas das estrofes incluídas foram traduzidas para ingês:

1. If you open the door
to unknown house,
you should be careful,
you should be aware,
for uncertain is to know
if enemies already are sitting there.

5. Sound judgment he needs
who is traveling far,
at home life is easy;
contempt people get
who know nothing
when interacting with wise people.

6. Of your abilities
you should never boast,
be rather careful with the knowledge;
when a wise and quiet
comes to the farm,
it rarely goes him wrong.

16. A cowardly man
thinks he will live forever,
if he avoids battle;
but age gives
him no peace,
if he is spared by spear.

17. The fool is gaping
and mumbles stupidly,
where he sits as a guest at a feast;
when he gets
the first sip,
the wit disappears.

21. The cattle know
when it is expected home,
then it walks to the farm from the outfield;
but unwise man
never knows
his own limitations.

23. Unwise man
is always lying awake
thinking of many things;
he is tired
when the day comes,
everything is in imbalance as before.

35. Bid farewell
do not always visit
the same place;
it may easily happen
one gets tired of the dear one
if he forgets to leave.

36. A small home
is better than none,
at home every man is lord;
the heart bleeds
in the chest of the one
who must beg for every meal.

42. For a friend
you should be friend
and repay gift with gift;
but if somebody is laughing at you
so laugh back,
pay him with lie for deceit.

53. Small high tide,
small low tide:
narrow is the human mind;
all were not
equally wise,
over all there are
different kinds.

69. One is not entirely miserable
although the health is weak,
some get pleasure from sons,
some from friends,
some from wealth
some from a job well done.
